Failure is the key to success!

Failure is actually the key to success.  Many people are afraid to try and fail but realize this.  All of the great minds and thinkers in history all were fearless in everything they did.  Thomas Edison is a great example, he failed thousands of times to produce electricity only to finally succeed.  Anyone who is really good at anything in life has made the most mistakes.  Look at any master in any profession.  Failure is what makes us grown and learn from our mistakes.  It is to become fearless and take risks that really enables us to jump and make big leaps forward.  Always keep trying new things, learning, and best of all keep failing! 

What Do I Really Want: In Life?

Here is a list of things that I want life:








Make a list of the things you want in your life and start believing that you ALREADY have them; go over this list daily and write them down in a book or journal.  For each subject find out what you are actually doing in your life to get the things you want?  If we are just sitting around all day thinking and thinking and not living then nothing with happen.  What else could you be doing to really LIVE and become these things that you want? We must start living all this stuff or else it’s not going to work.  So ask yourself What do YOU really want in life?  Are you willing to let go of everything else in order to get what you really want? Be selfish here and realize your happiness and well being must be a priority in your own life!

What will truly make you happy?

You can always start your day OVER!

How you start the day off makes a HUGE impact on how the rest of your day goes.  Something to remember is you can always re-start your day at anytime!  Do your best to always start off on a positive foot.  It is a good habit to begin the day off with some sort of routine everyday to get you in the right gear and mindset.  Take a few minutes to yourself when you wake up in the morning instead of rushing out and facing the day.  Take care of your body,mind, and soul.  Do some light stretching and meditation.  Remember that anytime throughout the day when you feel you have lost some peace you can pause and re-center yourself.  Only you have the power to affect how you feel!    

Have Clear Intentions!

Start to have clear intentions and goals about your life and what you want.  So many of us are doing things that aren’t really what we want to do.  Fear is one thing that holds many of us back.  The truth is the one thing that we really need is to have clear and focused intent.  Start writing down a list of things you want.  Right down specific things in life that you want to accomplish.  Read this list and review it and get it ingrained in your head that you have already accomplished these things!  Once you have the feeling of already accomplished something the Universe will start to help and guide you to your goals.  Trust your inner intuition and forget about your ego and what your head thinks.  If you start to trust the inner guidance that we all have; it becomes effortless.  That inner guidance system is our own feelings!  Trust your feelings and intuition about your life.  Deep down inside you know if you are on the right of wrong path in life.  Developing spiritual practices such as mindfulness and meditation will start to help you become more aware of everything in your life.  Have clear intent and focus on what you want!  This is your life, your story, you are the star!  

The Law of Attraction Basics

The law of attraction is a simple a universal law always at work.  It is working whether you know about it.  It is working whether you believe its true or not.  The fact is every single moment of your life is being sculpted because of this law.  The law is very basic and states that we are all vibrational beings.  Whatever we think about whether it be positive or negative creates a vibration that creates our reality.  Therefore our thoughts will shape our beliefs.  These thoughts and beliefs will actively shape what happens in our life experience.  We are basically bringing to us the majority of the time what we are thinking and how we are feeling about it.  This Law does not know the difference between positive and negative vibrations.  Therefore by saying something like ” I don’t want XXX ” you WILL attract that to you.  Start thinking more positive thoughts and feelings.  Start by thinking to I will get XXX and it makes me feel happy!  The law of attraction works only on two types of feelings positive or negative.  Choose your thoughts wisely and make sure they feel positive and start attracting!

Free lessons and guidance!

Ask for Help!

Many times in life we run into the habit of trying to do everything ourselves.  We hold our pride and our egos and think that if we can’t do it all something is wrong.  The truth is this way of thinking is totally ridiculous.  It takes a lot for us to reprogram our beliefs and know that it is perfectly fine and ok to ask for help.  Actually most people who have done great things in life haven’t done it alone.  Thats a great misconception that many people have about greatness.  Don’t be ashamed to ask for help in any area in your life! Swallow your pride and you will feel so much better.  There is no reason to run through life all alone.  Find friends that will support you throughout your growth and journey in life.  No matter what struggles you’re going through in life there will always be resources and people there to help you just ask!

Do something NEW!

Often times in life we get stuck in the same old patterns and routines.  It is simple really because humans are essentially creatures of habit.  Once we do things that we already know the outcome to we feel safe and secure.  Boy do we LOVE being in our little comfort zones.  This applies to almost everything in our lives.  The people we hang out with, the things we do, the foods we eat.  This is fine but it leads to complacency and life feels bit of a bore after a while.  Its time to really LIVE to the fullest.  How many of us actually have the desire and courage to do new things?  Do something different in your life!  Life is so vast and there are so many opportunities it is extremely silly to only limit yourself to a small taste of whats possible.  Explore everything in life more!  Its like a giant buffet table made just for you.  Don’t be afraid to go to new places, make new friends, try new friends, explore new hobbies.  All of these things are just a couple of small examples in the vast possibilities of experience!  We are here for to EXPERIENCE!  So I encourage anyone feeling stuck or in a rut to start doing NEW things in every single aspect of life!  It sounds daunting at first and may be  a bit scary but gosh its worth it!  Just think of all the new experiences out there in life just waiting for YOU.  This whole world and everything in it was all made for YOU my friend.   You are the greatest miracle of Life 🙂

Who you REALLY are?

Do you know who you really are? Do you think you are just a single person out of billions?  Do you know that you are actually a spirit having a human experience.  You are a divine being of existence.  Your ego makes you think your just a poor little person disconnected from everything and everyone.  But the truth is you are part of one giant spirit that is living through you as you having this unique human experience.  This spirit call it God, The Universe, Source, whatever you like is something special in everyone and everything in existence.  There is a great change and global awakening occurring; where soon we will realize who we really are.  Upon realizing that we are this great amazing spirit having a human experience life will transform for us and the whole world.  The whole world has one choice to wake up or continue suffering.  We are all part of one magnificent being which created us in order to know itself from a different perspective.  Welcome to who you REALLY are 🙂

Positive Vibrations: Give you more good things…

Ever realize that when things are going wrong or when you are struggling more bad things seem to happen?  Its like when you wake up in the morning and stub your toe and the rest of your day seems to go downhill.  The same thing happens when positive things occur.  Positive vibrations and energy attracts more of the same good things to happen to you.  Everyday try to always be positive.  You may never know who you might meet or when the right opportunities may arise that you have been waiting for a long time.  The more vibrant energy you put out into life the more it comes back to you.  You attract to life the same thoughts and energy that you put out.  This is a fact that is hard to believe!  Our bodies and minds are hard wired to help create the exact things that we think about and want the most.  This is hard to believe but start to recognize how everything in your life is happening as a result of all your subconscious thoughts and core beliefs!  Change your thoughts and beliefs and watch the beauty that occurs 🙂